Friday, September 01, 2006

From the dog's point of view

I think I hear something...

Yes, yes, yes I do. What a thing to wake up to...

Its him and we're going to go outside. I'm just sure of it.

Not that its any different from any other day but today is just the best day ever.

I'd wag my tail if it were anything but the nub that it is. What the hell I'll wag it anyway. I'll wag the hell out of my nub in the hope that all the pups and people see how happy I really am.

Time to take a piss on the first available bush. This one seems like a good one. No wait, someone else pissed on this other bush. I think I'll take about five minutes, turn in circles snif each bush repeatedly as if the smell is changing. I'm sure that there must be some deeper meaning in that smell. Perhaps the last pisser had some emotional trouble and I can pick that out of the way that they pissed on this particular bush or maybe there is some meaning to the angle of the piss in which I should be aware of. Am I missing something here? Was the sun in this pup's eyes? I do believe that there is piss on the ground in front of the bush too. This may take more time than I originally had estimated. Never mind the being at the other end of the leash. I've got some important business to take care of. As I delve into deeper thought trying to pull out the true meaning of this piss I feel a yank on the leash and my time with the best smell of the morning has come to an end.

What the hell...

I'll just piss on it.


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